Supporting our communities
We recognise that the sustainability of AfroCentric is closely linked to the socioeconomic environments in which our businesses exist. Accordingly, our role as a socially responsible enterprise includes a strong focus on supporting broader communities, and we are dedicated to improving community life and access to economic opportunities.
We continued investment in bursaries for four African female
medical students, as well as an additional two African females pursuing their
Bachelor's in Pharmaceuticals.
South African Business Coalition on Health and Aids (SABCOHA)
SABCOHA is a coalition of privately-owned companies and
organisations committed to investing their resources to harness employee health and
create healthier workplaces to impact workforces and host communities to promote
sustained economic growth and wellbeing. We invested R2 million towards their
mission during the year.
Eluthandweni Maternity Health Services
Eluthandweni started as a birthing clinic. Now it offers various
services such as prenatal care, family planning and child immunisation. During the
year, the Group supported the clinic's Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Day. The
awareness day is hosted in partnership with the Ekurhuleni Municipality, Department
of Health, Pink Drive and CANSA. These organisations brought a variety of services
like screening for Breast Cancer, health education on self-breast cancer
examination, Pap smear tests, TB screenings and HIV testing among others.