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Wednesday, 27 March 2024

AfroCentric Group company welcomes arbitration ruling against Neil Harvey and Associates

After navigating a 17-year-long arbitration process, Medscheme, an AfroCentric Group Company, has welcomed an arbitrator’s decision to dismiss all the claims brought against it by software developer, Neil Harvey & Associates (NHA), as baseless.

The arbitrator also awarded costs in Medscheme's favour.

NHA's claims arose out of a Confidentiality Agreement and Software Licence Agreement concluded with Medscheme in 2003 and 2004, respectively.

NHA launched proceedings against Medscheme and others in 2007 claiming damages on multiple causes of action, including fraudulent misrepresentation, unlawful competition and emulation of software functionality. The total quantum of the claims was initially approximately R80 million but over the years the claims grew vastly in quantum and scope and at one stage exceeded R2 billion.

Hannes Boonzaaier, Chief Financial Officer of the AfroCentric Group said he believes Medscheme has always had a strong and compelling case.

"We endured this process far longer than expected, but we are happy with the outcome. The ruling vindicates Medscheme by confirming that it operates with transparency and integrity and does so within the boundaries of ethical conduct and practices, with all stakeholders."

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